Monday, January 2, 2012

Day Thirteen of a Tale of Two Cities

The trip home was a little stressful. Our flight from France to United States was delayed. So when we finally grabbed all of our luggage at Atlanta we had missed our connecting flight to Knoxville. At first we thought we could hop on a later flight but that didn't work out because there wasn't enough seats left. Then we thought we could get a bus to take us but that didn't work out because we couldn't get a bus. Then we thought we could take a limo but then the weather became nasty. So we ended up spending the night and taking a morning flight home. The picture above is of me the next morning when we finally knew we were going home. 

Day Twelve of a Tale of Two Cities

 Today we went to Disneyland Paris and above is a picture of Sleeping Beauty's Castle.
 Above is the dragon that lives underneath the castle. It moves and has smoke steaming out of his nose.
For lunch we ate at Planet Hollywood and in the picture are two of our four leaders.

Day Eleven of a Tale of Two Cities

 Today we went to the Louvre.
 Above is The Winged Victory of Samothrace thought to be created around 190 B.C. It was found in 1863 on the Greek island Samothrace. Her head and arms have not been found, but her right hand has been recovered.
 The goddess in this picture is Nike. She stands for victory and if you look at her wing closely you can see the Nike logo.
 Above is Antonio Canova's Psyche Revived By Cupid's Kiss first commissioned in 1787. This work of art depicts a scene from Lucius Apuleius "Metamorphoses".
 Above is the famous Mona Lisa. The crowd around her was humongous. It took probably a good 10 minutes to get to the front of the crowd. It also took multiply tries to get a good picture because she is cover with a thick layer of glass.
 The artwork above is Lady Leading The People painted by Eugene Delacroix. It is a picture of a lady symbolizing liberty leading the people in the French Revolution. If you look closely at her face (might have to click on it to make it bigger) you see our own Lady Liberty.
On our way out I saw at a souvenir stand a postcard with the Mona Lisa on it and decided to take a picture of  it since there wasn't glass between it and me this time.