Monday, August 22, 2011

Day Nine of a Tale of Two Cities

 Today we went to Versailles

Translated in English this says " To all of the glories of France".
This is one of the two buildings that was once used as stables.
One thing I noticed that Europe has that the United States doesn't have a lot of is, historical statues.

So pretty.
One of the fountains.
Back of Versailles. 
So that you wouldn't get lost in the maze there were different busts to help guide your way through the maze.

I thought this was so pretty, it is part of the gardens.
This is me at the gates of Versailles. 
One of the rooms.
This is a statue of Joan of Arc.
I love taking these pictures it just looks so pretty to me.
The Hall of Mirrors!! You can tell it was busy that day.
I took a picture of me in one of the mirrors in the Hall of Mirrors.
A crystal chandelier in the Hall of Mirrors.
One of the rooms at Versailles, don't you like how the furniture matches the wallpaper.

Recognize her? Yes, it is the Statue of Liberty.  

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