Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day Ten of a Tale of Two Cities

Today we started at the Arc de Triomphe. 
The Arc de Triomphe honors those who fought and died for France in the French Revolutionary War and in the Napoleonic War, with the names of all the French victories and generals inscribed on its inner and outer surfaces.  
Below is a picture of me in front of it.
Below is the thing I am most proud of about the entire trip. I tried escargot and frog legs. Surprisingly I think that the escargot was better than the frog legs.
Next after an art class, we headed to the Eiffel Tower.  
Next are some different angles of the Eiffel Tower. 

Above is a picture of a bust of Gustave  Eiffel.
Here are some pictures of Paris.

Here is a picture of my friends and me from the Eiffel Tower. 
Above is a picture of me in front of the Eiffel Tower. The next few pictures show the French sense of humor.
Above is a tarp over a hotel that is under construction. Below is a statue at a four way intersection.
That was the end of our fabulous day. 

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