Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day Four of a Tale of Two Cities

 To begin the fourth day of our journey we went on a tour and saw some more neat things. Above is a church if you noticed the holes in the walls that is bomb damage from WWII.
 This is another church that was bombed that was on the unluckier side. All that was left standing was  a few walls and the steeple. Now it is a garden, below is a picture.

This is the Fire of London monument to commerate where the fire started.
Do you Disney Lovers recognize this place? Yes, it is the place where they shot the song "Feed The Birds" in the movie Mary Poppins.
Above is Simpsons which is famous for being in the Sherlock Holmes books and holding the National Chess Club Championship.
                                                           Big Ben

Next we went to the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace.
You can tell how the weather was that day at Buckingham Palace. Nasty!!!

Next we went to Warwick Castle and here are some pictures.

It was creepy the peacocks were just running around. What was cool was that we got to stay after hours and learn how to sword fight, shoot a bow and arrow, and much more.

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